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2004年5月美国布什总统白宫专机专程至本校参加毕业典礼,荣获本校博士学位,成为美国协和大学校友,并于当天发表全球议题专题演讲,受到全校师生热烈欢迎和全美高等学府之瞩目与肯定。 >>点选我连至美国白宫<<

美国白宫官方网站 - 纪录布什总统获美国威斯康星协和大学博士学位与演讲内容

I appreciate the warm welcome to this fine university and to this great state. Thank you for such a wonderful welcome. I am honored to be with you on graduation day, as you become proud alumni of CUW.
This teaching of faith is confirmed in our daily experience. Many of us find that there is much more to life than getting and keeping. .
Each of you has gifts to offer, and I am confident you will use those gifts where they are needed. I wish you well on the journey ahead. I thank you for the warm welcome, and the honorary degree. I leave today a proud member of the Concordia University Wisconsin Class of 2004.


Concordia University Wisconsin